‘Pokemon GO’ Shiny Magikarp opens up new possibilities for future events; Easter event expected

Shiny Magikarps will be sticking around, though the “Pokemon GO” Water Festival event has ended. They are not like the Pikachu Party Hats that disappeared after the event concluded. They are more like Dittos, a rarity that will continue in the game.
The Water Festival has been a success. It was simple yet effective. Niantic now knows that it needs monthly events, even when there is no major holiday to celebrate. It is not necessary to always tie an event with some day or holiday. It’s time for Niantic to forge its own path. The Water Festival is an important step forward, though it is different from other events such as Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas/New Year, Valentine’s Day and so on. What the developer did right with the latest concluded event is changing the entire biome.
According to Forbes, Niantic did the right by not dumping the event with a select few Pokemon and increase their spawns into the mix. If they did that then the event would have become boring real fast. Changing the biome to include a wider array of Pokemon made the event more interesting. Of course, the main draw of the event was the Shiny Magikarp. Inclusion of this rare prize was enough to drive players out in the open and start hunting. Niantic did the right thing by not rolling out a ton of Pokemon at once.
Instead, it rolled out Magikarp only as a single shiny to find. This proved that players want something concocted to catch their attention and get them playing. They won’t even run away from spending money. There was no double XP, double candy or bundles of items for sale. Double candy was the most valuable modifier in a “Pokemon GO” event once. However, the introduction of Gen 2 made the Pinap Berry available, which yields double candy on every catch. Niantic needs more elemental type events in future.
According to Express, details of the next event haven’t been divulged yet, though, the introduction of Shiny Pokemon has provided Niantic numerous opportunities to keep its fans busy. From now on, Niantic may choose to introduce one shiny Pokemon every event, providing players with the opportunity to catch it by increasing the spawn rate. These small events are a great way to bridge the gap between two big updates. This will ensure players never leave the game. There is every chance of a “Pokemon GO” Easter event on April 16.