High-stakes poker player Dan Bilzerian has responded to threats of being sued by a porn star. The new Internet pseudo celebrity Bilzerian was caught last month throwing 19 year old Janice Griffith off the roof of a house and into a pool. The incident broke the woman's foot and she has threatened to sue. They were in the middle of a shoot for Hustler magazine when the incident happened

The playful stunt didn't go so well since Bilzerian's throwing skills are not nearly as good as his poker and the woman fell short and smashed her foot on the side of the pool. Griffith was the first to state that no drugs or alcohol was involved which might have led to the antics.

Since the incident was reported, Griffith has indicated plans to sue after no remorse was shown by the poker star.

According to a letter released by showbiz Web site TMZ, Bilzerian's lawyer said that his client is not responsible for the injury basically because the stunt was part of the photo shoot, and that responsibility would lie with the magazine.

Tom Goldstein, Bilzerian's lawyer, claimed that Griffith grabbed the former's shirt right before the toss, and thus affected the outcome of the stunt.

"If she sues, the complaint will be sanctionably frivolous," the letter concluded. "Your client should just box up almost every last bit of her property (please exclude all videos and photographs, as well as the seemingly inevitable small yappy dog) and drop it off with you in safe-keeping for Mr. Bilzerian. After he receives the judgement in his favor, he will have it all delivered to him. Then he will probably blow it up with a mortar in the desert."

Bilzerian is no stranger to stunts like this and has actually done some real stunt work appearing most recently as a stunt man in the film "Olympus Has Fallen." Despite being some kind of actress herself, stunts do not seem to be the kind of risky activity that suits Miss Griffith.

Bilzerian is a world famous poker player and his net worth is roughly, $100 million which makes him completely capable of paying far damages should he be found guilty.

Watch the video of the incident here: