Pope Francis Climate Change Encyclical Leaked Online: Papa Has A Message To Believers

The 192-page document about Pope Francis holy anticipated encyclical on climate change was leaked online by L’Espresso, an Italian magazine, on Monday. On Thursday, Pope released his enyclical and encouraged people to act on climate change.
Time reports the 192-page of enclyclical "Laudato Si" or "Be Praised" was published without permission from Vatican on Monday on the Italian magazine’s website. The document contains major teaching letter of climate change.
A Vatican official told Bloomberg that the leak was a heinous act. Vatican released a statement on its website, which reads, “An Italian text of a draft of the Pope’s Encyclical 'Laudato Si’ has been published. Please note that it is not the final text, and that the rules of the Embargo remain in place. We ask journalists to respect professional standards, which call for waiting for the official publication of the final text.”
The Wallstreet Journal reports Vatican spokesman Rev. Lombardi described the leaked documents as text as draft. He added the final document is published in eight languages, which only differed in minor ways.
Although the important document about climate change has been leaked, Pope Francis is still eager to raise the awareness of climate change. CNN reports a few importants notes of the encyclical. Pope Francis mentioned the Earth is "our home. However, it begins to look more and more like an immense pile of filth."
He emphasised that humans are not God, and the Earth was given to people. Overall, the Pope encourage the believers and people around the world to act on climate change. And if the people don't act, there will be “unprecedented destruction of ecosystems” and “serious consequences" will occur.
Stephanie Kirchgaessner, The Guardian correspondent, reports Republican's presidential contender Jeb Bush said he did not take economic advice from the pope. According to Cardinal Peter Turkson, politicians had the right to disregard Francis’s statement. However, it was wrong if politicians will base on the fact that the pope was not a scientist.