Employment prospects for new postgraduates remain positive, with 86% of postgraduates finding full-time employment within four months of completing their studies in 2010.

With employment prospects remaining positive, the postgraduate outcomes survey released yesterday by Graduate Careers Australia (GCA) also revealed that the median salary for new postgraduates increased by 2% since 2009, reaching an average of $70,000.

"Employment figures of 86% for postgraduates are around 10% higher than the equivalent figure of 76% for bachelor degree programs," GCA senior research associate Graeme Bryant said.

The most recent figures are indeed slightly lower than in 2009 and 2008, however Bryant said that when taken in context the results still display the positive outcomes from undertaking postgraduate studies.

"While bachelor degree employment figures have fallen by around 9% over the past two years, employment figures for postgraduates have only fallen by 4% over the same period."

Indeed employment prospects for graduates remain low, sitting at 76.2%, the lowest figure since 1994.

GCA research manager Bruce Guthrie said that employment figures for new graduates had initially been affected by the GFC, and continuing labour market uncertainty amongst graduate recruiters has seen graduate intakes remain conservative.

Jason Murray from Rookie Recruits said Australian recruiters are missing out on good opportunities for staff because they insist on hiring recruits with 3-5 years' experience.

He said that graduates not only bring fresh ideas, energy and new blood into a company, but are key to helping employers stay on top of staffing budgets.

"Less experienced candidates can help employers to contain costs and even allow companies to hire two or three more junior staff for the price of one slightly more experienced recruit," Murray said.

UK based agency, Graduate Recruitment Bureau, identified seven key benefits of hiring graduates, including:

1) Affordable

Graduates earn lower salaries than experienced hires but have huge potential.

2) Proven return on investment

Their ideas and skills can make a huge difference to your bottom line.

3) Ready to mould

You have the opportunity to shape them into what you need, so they become part of the culture. Graduates have developed a habit for learning so will seek to continuously learn in the working environment. They are often perceived as a "blank canvas", open to new ideas, ways of working and experiences.

4) Solid business skills

Studying helps students develop core transferable skills such as written and oral communication, problem-solving, presentation, organisation and data analysis. Technical graduates will also have up to date specialist or technical skills gained from studies. Many will have experience of applying academic knowledge through work placements maybe whilst at a competitor firm.

5) New perspectives

Graduates can inject new ideas and apply current thinking from academia. Recruiting graduates can also increase diversity within the work team.

6) Speed to value

Graduates learn more quickly and provide more immediate financial returns. They are more enthusiastic and willing to take on challenges. Graduates understand and have the ability to adapt to change.

7) Succession planning

Provide a career path for a graduate and enable them to reach management level within your firm and solve succession planning concerns.