Pursuant to an undertaking entered into with the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), Power Balance Australia has posted a corrective advertisement withdrawing its earlier claim regarding their product’s boosting effects on a person’s strength, balance, and flexibility.

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The company admits that in the absence of scientific proof of their product’s effects, it had “engaged in misleading conduct” violating s52 of the Trade Practices Act 1974.

The Power Balance wrist bands had been presented to the market as having the power to optimize one’s energy by drawing the body’s energy field using holographic technology. The “magical wrist band” craze had been fanned by paid celebrity endorsements and viral marketing.

Power Balance expresses its apologies and offers full refund to customers, until the end of June 2011, either by going online at www.powerbalance.com.au or by calling them toll-free at 1800 733 436.

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