Powerful Fat Burning Tool Could Be The Human Brain

A research by scientists at Monash University found that a powerful fat-burning tool could be the brain. The scientists found two hormones that were naturally occurring in the brain, which converted white fat to brown fat cells, otherwise known as adipocytes and burns energy. The study was published in the journal Cell.
According to the Huffington Post, one of the hormones was called leptin, which in an appetite suppressant generated in fat cells. The other hormone is called insulin, and it comes from the pancreas on the occasion of the rising of blood glucose level.
The lead author of the study and the principal research fellow head from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Monash University, Professor Tony Tiganis, said that a new approach to develop weight loss agents was turning the white fat into brown fat. He said that the researchers thought they could help the loss of weight in people by targeting insulin and leptin.
Tiganis said that in mice, they were able to see the conversion of the white fat into brown fat. He explained that even when animals ate a high-fad diet, they did not put on weight, and the entire situation seemed exciting.
His research showed that when the two hormones act together, it persuades proopiomelanocortin neurons, a group of neurons in the brain, to ignite the fat-burning by converting the white fat to brown. The research team found that when an enzyme called phosphatases, which restricts the action of the two hormones, was reduced, there was more burning of fat.
According to Tiganis, the two hormones provide the brain with a comprehensive picture of the fat in the body. He explained that since leptin was produced by fat cells, the level of the fat reserves were measured, while the insulin gave a measure of future fat reserves.
He said it was important to find a solution for the obesity epidemic. He said that they were unsure of what was driving the epidemic but they did know that it was a result of energy imbalance.
Another study by Maastricht University Medical Center in Netherlands suggested that ti was possible that by keeping surroundings cool, one could create brown fat. Another study showed that a drug called Mirabegron could also help create brown fat. Mirabegron was usually used for the treatment of an overactive bladder.
Contact the writer: afza.kandrikar@gmail.com