Premier Anna Bligh has urged the Queenslanders to give Jessica Watson "the homecoming she deserves".

Ms Bligh said that she will be part of the crowd at Mooloolaba on the Sunshine Coast on Sunday that will welcome back Ms Watson after her successful circumnavigation of the globe.

"I encourage people to be out to give her all their well-wishes - she's an extraordinary young woman and a great Australian," the premier told reporters in Rockhampton.

"We have been working closely with her family to make sure she gets the homecoming she deserves and the homecoming she is hoping for."

Ms Bligh said that the teenage adventurer, though, is not thrilled with too much fuss.

"Jessica herself doesn't want any unnecessary or extravagant excess or expenditure and I think that's a great credit to her," she said.

According to the premier, an event management company is already looking into the expected number of crowds that will be coming to the Sunshine Coast.

"We saw in Sydney thousands of people come out. We need to make sure that people are kept safe and this event is managed carefully," she said.