Ellen Degeneres takes the stage to host the show at the start of the 86th Academy Awards in Hollywood
Ellen Degeneres takes the stage to host the show at the start of the 86th Academy Awards in Hollywood, California March 2, 2014. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson

The United States of America's President Barack Obama appeared on the The Ellen DeGeneres Show for the second time in row and called her historic Oscar selfie a "pretty cheap stunt." Apart from that the interview was quite fun and entertaining with the President talking about how he watches "House of Cards" and Michelle Obama is hooked on to "Scandal."

Ellen DeGeneres Oscar star-studded selfie became viral when she roped in Jared Leto, Jennifer Lawrence, Channing Tatum, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Kevin Spacey, Bradley Cooper, Brad Pitt, Lupita Nyong'o and Angelina Jolie to get clicked at the Oscars March 2. The show hostess could not help stop bragging about it to Obama.

"I don't know if you know this, but I was aiming to break your record of retweets and I apologize for doing it," DeGeneres said. "But I broke your retweet record."

"I heard about that," was Barack's reply.

"I thought it was a pretty cheap stunt myself. Getting a bunch of celebrities in the background...you feeding them pizza," the 52-year-old President added.

The President then went on to reveal a little bit about his favourite television shows and how his own life is quite boring as compared to the ones shown on television. "I watch "House of Cards." I haven't seen "Scandal" yet, but Michelle has watched "Scandal." I have to tell ya, life in Washington is a little more boring than displayed on the screen," complained the President.

"The truth of the matter is, if you followed me, most of my day is sitting in a room listening to a bunch of folks in gray suits talking about a whole bunch of stuff that wouldn't make very good television," added Obama.

Ellen also asked the President about how it feels to raise two teenage daughters Malia and Sasha. The President has famously told her daughters that whatever tattoo they both will get at any point of time in their life, he and Michelle will also get the same tattoos at the same place and get a picture clicked as a "tattooed family." Ellen didn't seem quite fond of Obama's method of stopping his daughters to get the tattoos and requested him to allow them to have one.

President Obama appeared via satellite on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" on Thursday (March 20). Check out the videos from the show below.

Source: youtube.com/theellenshow