Netflix's original political drama series, "House of Cards," revolves around the murky politics (fictional) of Washington D.C. Frank Underwood, played by Kevin Spacey, will be the vice president in the second season of "House of Cards." Thus, it is not a surprise to see U.S. President Obama showing interest in the series, and asking CEO of Netflix if he had "brought advance copies of "House of Cards."

Deadline reports that President Obama and Reed Hastings, CEO of Netflix, had a talk during a photo op at the White House. American President was meeting Hastings and other heads and CEOs of tech companies to discuss about the Obamacare website as well as the U.S. Govt's national security surveillance efforts.

Citing a White House pool report, Deadline reports that President Obama was overheard asking Netflix CEO: "I'm just wondering if you brought advance copies of House of Cards?" Hastings did not let go the opportunity and offered President Obama a cameo role on the critically acclaimed, hit series.

President Obama also quipped that Underwood is "getting a lot of stuff done" and "I wish things were that ruthlessly efficient" in the real world of Washington D.C.

"House of Cards" Season 2 is scheduled to premiere on February 14, 2014. Official Synopsis of "House of Cards" Season 2: "Frank Underwood has masterfully manoeuvred his way into the Vice Presidency, but his ascension faces threats on all fronts. Investigative reporter Zoe Barnes is inching closer to the truth about Frank and Peter Russo and will stop at nothing to break the story. And Frank's wife Claire, the newly appointed Second Lady, must deal with the bright glare of the spotlight and how the intense scrutiny eats away at their once private existence."

"House of Cards" has earned four Golden Globe nominations, including for best drama, best actors for Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright as well as best supporting actor nomination for Corey Stoll. These four nominations are the most for a T.V. drama series.