SYDNEY--(BUSINESS WIRE)--#construction--Canibuild has launched its highly anticipated online application for the Australian construction industry. Its aim is to allow businesses to continue operating profitably by having an interactive system to help sell their homes, pools, granny flats and sheds without having to step onsite.

Construction needs to do in a day what it hasn’t been able to do in the last decade and that’s to go virtual in order to continue operating. This is essential considering the social distancing measures implemented by the Australian government to combat the spread of COVID-19.

Founded in 2019, Canibuild allows builders to search for properties across Australia, placing customised designs and structures on any block. This world first application automatically identifies whether a build/structure is possible through analysing setbacks and council regulations. A builder can visually assess site conditions that include the impact of sewer lines and contours and can request architectural plans and receive them within hours.

Its recent partnership with one of the largest aerial imagery companies in the world, Nearmap, means the aerial imagery on Canibuild is extremely accurate, with its resolution being consistently ≤7.5cm GSD (ground sampling distance) per pixel. This ultimately means that the images utilised have greater detail and therefore can be trusted when making decisions regarding new sites and the possibility of construction.

Timothy Cocaro, founded both Canibuild and Rescon Granny Flats, one of the world’s largest granny flat companies today so he knows firsthand that leads will dry up to nothing, face-to-face contact is all but non-existent and can see many of his peers already closing doors or essentially stopping the sales process. “Construction must embrace technology - we do not have a choice,” said Cocaro. He further explains, “I don’t want to come out of this with half the companies that went in. I have been meeting virtually with as many businesses I can.”

“Canibuild won’t solve all problems but it will turn construction virtual overnight” – Timothy Cocaro.


Elise Vella 0411 598 204