"Pretty Little Liars" season 4, episode 19, "Shadow Play" showcased the cast in the world of noir. Now in episode 20 titled "Free Fall," Spencer is close to nail Ezra down. She has sufficient evidence against Ezra. In the American promo of "Free Fall," Spence tells Aria about her suspicions. Finally! However, things become clearer in the Canadian promo that Ezra is not going to give up easily.

1. Hanna and Spencer: In the American promo for "Pretty Little Liars" season 4, episode 20, all the Liars are together and Spencer is yelling, "He's freaking "A!" However, in the Canadian promo, Hanna harshly asks Spencer if she is on pills to stay awake.

2. Evil Ezra's plan to stop Spencer: He doesn't want Spencer to go ahead on her investigation. Spencer is pretty close to gather all the evidence against Ezra.

"I think it's time somebody tells Spencer's parents about what's going on," says Ezra to Aria. Later, in the promo, Spencer's mom is on the phone.

3. Spencer is over-exerting: "Pretty Little Liars" season 4, episode 20's Canadian promo shows Spencer waking up at a desk. She slept over Ali's notebook.

4. Spencer bursts out the truth: "He's trying to get the focus off of himself because he's freaking 'A'!" says Spencer. She is almost in tears. It is likely that she speaks the truth because everyone is questioning her pill-popping habits.

5. Aria and Ezra: "You wanted Alison dead!" accuses Aria.

"You wanted her dead!"

6. Aria in the woods: In the "Pretty Little Liars" season 4, episode 20' Canadian promo, Ezra is seen shouting, "Aria." She is in the woods. "Why are you doing this?" asks Ezra. Is he after her? Is he going to hurt her? Maybe, he wants to convince her that he is not the villain.

Have a look at the promo below.

Credit: YouTube/tvmania

"Pretty Little Liars" season 4 episodes airs Tuesdays on ABC at 8 p.m. ET.