Prince Harry succeeds in his first mission since the nude Vegas photo leaks. He manages to charm a six-year-old boy who vowed on television to tell him, "I'm glad you've got your clothes on Prince Harry."

Alex Logan, 6, was on ITV's lunchtime news Sunday. He was scheduled to meet Prince Harry at an awards ceremony for children with terminal illness.

Little Alex was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of three.

Looking playful and relaxed on television, the young boy promised the audience he would tell the prince, "I'm glad you've got your clothes on Prince Harry."

When D-day came, however, Little Alex was won over by the prince.

Known for his infectious green and disarming charm, Prince Harry managed to stop the little boy from going on with a planned verbal mischief. He gave the little boy a mix of friendly reprimand and affectionate grin.

When the event came, just when the boy was about to speak, Prince Harry raised his index finger with good cheer and said:

"You keep looking up at your mum. It looks like you're dying to say something but you're worried she'll tell you off. I heard you were on ITV earlier and you said something cheeky - but let's not talk about that here," the Daily Mail quoted the prince as saying.

Disarmed, Alex just tickled Prince Harry with his toy penguin. And they share a knowing smile.

The event, called the WellChild Awards in London, was a celebration of the charity, which Prince Harry has been supporting since 2007. The annual ceremony recognizes the bravest kids in Britain.

In his speech, Prince Harry said, "All of you are quite frankly, too remarkable for me to adequately describe with mere words. But never one to be shy in coming forward, I'll give it a go."

The statement was followed by silence and then giggles from the audience.

Could the knowing giggles - from the audience and Prince Harry - be considered as proof-positive that Prince Harry has gotten away with the scandalous photos?