Prince Harry defends Camilla: ‘She’s not a wicked stepmother’

Prince Harry has come to the defence of his stepmother, who has been vilified in the media as the third party in father and mother’s love story. In an unearthed interview for a new biography about him, Harry apparently denied Camilla was a “wicked stepmother” as the public claimed her to be.
Camilla was Prince Charles’ lover while he was still married to Diana, Princess of Wales. And due to Diana’s popularity, Camilla became the villain of the couple’s love story in the media.
When Charles and Camilla got married in 2005, Camilla still wasn’t able to escape rumours about her allegedly being terrible. But according to the Duke of Sussex, people shouldn’t “feel sorry” for his 71-year-old stepmum.

In the book “Harry: Conversations with the Prince” (excerpts of which were obtained by Express), journalist Angela Levin said it wasn’t easy for Charles to tell his boys, Prince William and Harry, that he would be marrying Camilla in 2004. But Harry had already accepted that Camilla had been in Charles’ life for a “very long time and had grown to like her.”

In the biography, Harry has defended the Duchess of Cornwall from reports that she was a horrible stepmother. “To be honest, she’s always been very close to me and William,” he said. “She’s not a wicked stepmother. Look at the position she’s coming into. Don’t feel sorry for me and William, feel sorry for her.”
He added, “She’s a wonderful woman and she’s made our father very, very happy, which is the most important thing. William and I love her to bits.”

Charles and Camilla reportedly met when they were in their early 20s and had become a couple a few years later. However, they both married other people, Charles to Diana and Camilla to Andrew Parker Bowles. During his marriage to Diana, it had been speculated that he was having an affair with Camilla behind her back.
Diana even spoke out against Charles’ infidelity in a BBC interview, saying, “There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded.” And Charles apparently said Camilla was a “non-negotiable” part of his life.