Source: Wikipedia

Prison Break's fans would find it hard-put to believe that the hunk protagonist of the show, Wentworth Miller, is gay. While there are rumours and gossips being spread earlier, Miller had kept mum about it.

The Stoker writer finally came out today in light of the squeeze that LGBT people are feeling as a result of the Russian anti-gay policy, not only those living within Russia, but LGBT people worldwide. In a letter to the organisers of Russian film festival, Miller proclaimed his own sexuality and rejected the invitation to the St. Petersburg International Film Festival he received.

Like other sports stars and celebrities across the world, Miller demonstrated his disdain for Russia's discriminatory policy against the LGBT.

"Thank you for your kind invitation. As someone who has enjoyed visiting Russia in the past and can also claim a degree of Russian ancestry, it would make me happy to say yes," Miller writes. "However, as a gay man, I must decline. I am deeply troubled by the current attitude toward and treatment of gay men and women by the Russian government. The situation is in no way acceptable, and I cannot in good conscience participate in a celebratory occasion hosted by a country where people like myself are being systemically denied their basic right to live and love openly."

Miller's bold move, which no doubt can have specific effects on the actor's career and fan base, earned him an applause from GLAAD. Miller's refusal to participate in the St. Petersburg International Film Festival is touted as powerful and empowering. "Wentworth's bold show of support sends a powerful message to LGBT Russian, who are facing extreme violence and persecution," according to GLAAD spokesperson Wilson Cruz.

"As people from across the globe continue to speak out against Russia' horrific law, more celebrities and corporations should follow his courageous lead in openly condemning Russia's anti-LGBT law."

Earlier, when this policy reached the ears of many, sports stars have already proclaimed their plans of boycotting the 2014 Sochi Olympics to be held in Russia and engaged in other actions to show their disgust with the Vladimir Putin's backward law.