Attaining one's ideal weight level is hard enough, much more to maintain it. But the French has invented a high-tech fork that will not only be useful in picking up our food, it will also buzz every time you eat too fast.

HAPIfork, so called the world's first connected fork, vibrates when you eat too quickly. It just hit the global marketplace and is currently accepting pre-orders.

Unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in January, HAPIfork will transform people's eating habits as it monitors how fast the user is eating and then buzzes to tell them to slow down.

"While our product is still a prototype, we're thrilled by the global response so far," Fabrice Boutain, founder of the product's California-based developer HAPILABS, said in a statement.

"We believe this is affirmation of the growing consumer health awareness movement to gain better control of issues impacting weight and digestive issues as well as more serious issues such as diabetes and other chronic conditions."

The fork comes in happy colours blue, green and pink and is available for $89.

The HAPIfork starts monitoring when the user touches the fork to their mouths, and can tell how long the interval is between each fork serving.

If it found someone seemed to be eating too fast, HAPIfork alerts with a gentle vibration and indicator light to remind them to slow down, which are always important steps when consuming food.

Apart from that, HAPIfork also monitors:

  • The number of "fork servings" taken per minute and per meal
  • The specific duration of each "fork serving" interval
  • The overall meal duration
  • The exact start time and end time of the meal

"This fork will change people's lives," Mr Boutain said. "Nobody wants to have a stomachache or a round belly. Improving digestion and the way we eat makes people healthier. We even considered other options, like a chip that goes in your tooth, but the Hapifork is the best way. It will make you happy."