The popular book series entitled "Gossip Girls" by author Cecily von Ziegesar has been removed from a Mississippi high school after parents found that it contained sexually explicit material and f-words.

The Picayune High School board and administrator have ordered the book to be removed from the school library following complaints from the parents of a 13-year-old student, who used the book to write a report on it for her class.

Mr. and Mrs. Tony Smith, who happens to be the chairman of the school's board, stumbled on one edition of Gossip Girls entitled "Nobody Does It Better" inside the backpack of their daughter. Upon reading the book, they were shocked.

Smith told the local TV news channel WLOX News the book makes reference to "F&$% this test," and "F&$% the teacher."
He quoted this line from the book: "Hopefully Nate's friends will get the hint and make like bees and F&$% off."

"It makes some sexual explicit comments in there that I find very offensive, as a parent," Smith added, according to
Smith also described the book as pornographic.

Smith's wife expressed concern on why and how such books get into the library system.

Smith, now a state senator, is drafting a legislation that will prevent the similar books from getting into school libraries in the state.

The Picayune Junior High School