Casual workers at the University of South Australia could still find working a pleasure once negotiations move in their favor.

The National Tertiary Education Union branch president Kevin Rouse disclosed a new offer could be agreed to within the next month. The union considers the probability of an offer is a significant step in negotiations with the University of South Australia.

Union members have walked off the job several times since August 2 in a campaign for better pay and conditions, particularly, for casual staff. Two-hour rolling stoppages were conducted every week in order to push for the cause.

Rouse said, “It's just a pitty we really had to I guess resort to industrial action to get movement but we're pleased that the University management has made some significant progress to rewarding staff for their hard work over the last three years.”

Strikes will continue, Rouse warned, if an agreement cannot be reached regarding the high levels of casual staff. “It's really having a marked impact on students' education because they're (casuals) unable to provide ongoing support to students,” he said.

Casual staff members in the Whyalla and Mount Gambier campuses are paid by the hour. The university considers casuals ineligible to salary sacrifice scheme which includes superannuation contributions, work-related items, motor-vehicle leasing, relocation expenses, and car parking fees.