In celebration of surpassing the 80 million sales mark for the PS3 this November, as well as a grand total of more than 4,300 games released for the console, Sony has announced an even bigger surprise for the console.

Consider it a Christmas gift, as Sony announces more than 300 game titles coming out over the Christmas period.

IGN reports that, while the PS3 is now celebrating the seventh year for its lifetime, it's still a very strong console that is looking at a robust following despite the PS4's release this year.

This is yet another reason to keep your PS3 around---and an even bigger reason for those who are not yet thinking of buying the next-gen console PS4, at least not at the moment.

Knack Gets an iOS Partner App

Just like a number of upcoming games, PS4's "Knack" also gets a mobile app that will let you earn items whenever you're not in front of your console.

Escapist Magazine reports that the "Knack" app, "Knack's Quest," which is now out for the iOS, can already let you prepare for the main game before it comes out with the PS4. Like the other line-up-three-to-win matching games, you have to complete the stages so that "Knack" will be able to get his largest body.

The items that you'll earn with the PS4 "Knack" app can be transferred to your inventory in the main game. Download the app via iTunes from here.

Know what the debunked issues for the PS4 are: Read more here.

Winter Brings 2 More PS4 Games

PS4 is also expecting two more games to come in December. Gematsu has reported that "Doki-Doki Universe," the interesting indie game featuring a robot, will be coming to the PS4, PS3 and PS Vita come December.

It's a free to download game that's also a network of itself with mailing and messaging applications for players. In-app purchases cover RPG and interactive storytelling parts, so it's not entirely free if you want the whole "Doki-Doki" experience.

Around the same time, another game will come to the PS4, titled "Mercenary Kings." Another indie developer, Tribute Games will come out with "Mercenary Kings," and according to the PlayStation Blog, it'll bring back the old-fashioned gunnin' and shootin' platform with a lot more weapons, some of which you can craft yourself.

Overall, you'll get 100 missions, a lot of possible weapons crafted, and PS4-PS Vita multiplayer gaming, which is supposed to be the main meat of the game.

Some speculations about what will come out for the "Metal Gear Solid 5" game: Read more here.

'Peggle 2' Gets a Rating for PS4

One of the announcements for the Xbox One had made quite a show before was the arrival of "Peggle 2" to the console. While there were no talks about exclusivity as a franchise (in fact, PopCap Games hinted that it will be ported to as many platforms as possible), it seems that its arrival for Sony's next-gen console is inevitable and fast.

According to Joystiq, "Peggle 2" has already been classified for the PS4 by South Korea's Game Rating Board together with the Xbox 360 and Xbox One. The question now would be how long the timed exclusivity will be for the Xbox One, since it was already announced that it will come to Microsoft's next-gen console first.