Men who have rather plump breasts need not to worry about their manboobs anymore. A new UK-based product has been developed just for men who want to create an illusion of bulky pectoral muscles, similar to the effect of push-up bras for women.

Funkybod muscle enhancing top appears in the form of a shirt with a bit of stuffing on in the right places, similar to padded push-up bras for women. It was initially created to accentuate men’s pectorals, biceps and triceps, as well as shoulders, to make them look more muscular.

However, upon product testing, creator Ash Bhunnoo learned that even some skinny men have issues with moobs, or breasts for men, and the shirt effectively helped them camouflage their breast tissues into ripped muscles.

As per the brand’s Web site:

“Initially, it was designed to enhance the upper body muscle groups of skinny to medium build men. After initial trials we found that some of the smaller men had manboob issues which were covered well with the Funkybod muscle top. This led us to experiment with larger men and look into the manboob issue further.”

Priced at £29.99 or around 50.33 AUD at the current exchange rate, the padded undershirts come in grey, black, and white colours.

Aside from giving wearers a pumped chest appearance, Funkybod also makes their shoulder plates look broader and their biceps and triceps look bigger. And just like brassieres, these shirts are meant to be worn as an undergarment.

Since the product’s debut in March, hundreds of customers have already bought a shirt, Mr Bhunnoo told the BBC. Most of the customers came from the U.S. and Europe, though there are now increasing orders from China and Hong Kong.

And indeed, basing on the videos below, the shirt does work. It might feel a little strange for men who are new to wearing pads, but perhaps they would soon embrace it.

After all, this isn’t the first product that caters to men’s vanity. There are butt-enhancing undergarment briefs and boxers that are already out in the market, which are just the male version of women’s body-enhancing apparels.

Watch the videos to see how these shirt work: