A seven-page memo to Qantas staff that was leaked to media said that 26 managers will get the axe as part of the embattled air carrier's cost-cutting programme in a bid to save $2 billion over three years.

The Sydney Morning Herald named several senior managers who would join the 5,000 Qantas employees who would become unemployed in the coming months. They include Steve Treharthen, international security head; Gavin Harris, senior engineering manager; Max Kownatzki, Jetstar executive strategy manager; and Simon Chamberlain, head of Hooroo, the new travel booking site of Jetstar.

These developments are part of the major changes to the composition of Qantas's senior leadership team, although it has spared higher officials.

The international division, which has been losing business, will cut down the number of regional general managers, while those who will keep their post would have bigger number of countries under their supervision. This move would mean good-bye to the manager for Western Europe, Daniele Da-Rin; the head of alliances, Maxine Jacquet; and the head of international airports, Chadi Chalhoub.

The domestic business would even cut the position of regional manager, resulting in the axing of Ian Gay, Peter Collins, Allan Williams, Ken Ryan and Rina Karabesinis.

Qantas would also revert to its old set-up of having only one chief operating officer for the domestic and international operations, resulting in the departure of Domestic Chief Executive Matt Lee and the promotion of Jetstar executive Andrew David.

On the rank-and-file, expected to be axed are 1,500 workers performing back-office functions and 300 aircraft maintenance personnel.