Wallaby Quade Cooper has been booed by New Zealand fans for taking cheap shots at All Blacks Captain Richie McCaw.

This, has since, affected his on-field performance for the Wallabies or his club.

Cooper drew the attention of the Kiwis when he took a shot at the head of McCaw during their 2010 encounter in Hong Kong after Australia clinched the game winner.

Again, Cooper, in a 2011 Test, displayed his antics by hitting McCaw's head with a knee. He has been jeered by the New Zealand crowd from this point on.

Cooper's teammate, Michael Hooper, on the other hand, has a different perspective of the circumstances. He expressed his disappointment of the continued booing and thinks it should be put to a halt.

"I think it's quite unreasonable what the All Blacks supporters are doing to him (Cooper)," Hooper told TVNZ.co.nz.

"He's a great player and a great guy so I think everyone who enjoys footy wants to see him do well.

"I think the booing's a bit below the belt sort of stuff.

"He deserves more than that as a player."

This sentiment is also echoed by, no less than, a Kiwi himself, fullback Israel Dagg, following a game between the Queensland Reds and the Crusaders that was held in Christchurch during the earlier part of 2013.

"Great win by the boys but please peeps give @QuadeCooper a break!! Disappointed by the boos #moveon," Dagg posted in his Twitter account.

Hooper kept mum on whether the booing did really affect Quade Cooper's game but said that the developments should simmer things down.

"I can't comment for him, but personally something like that would spur you on so I think he's got it under control."