Authorities have set a building revival forum for February 8, 2011 aimed at supporting Queensland as it deals with the effects of the Global Financial Crisis.

Property Council of Australia Queensland Executive Director Kathy Mac Dermott that government action is needed to restore confidence and ignite activity.

"The critical role played by the property sector in the Queensland economy is generally not well recognized, " Mac Dermott said.

"In the past financial year, the State Government received revenue from property taxes of $3.5 billion compared to mining royalties of $1.9 billion, " she said. "This underlines the importance of the property sector in driving our economy and providing jobs for Queenslanders."

"In a post GFC world where funding for development is much harder to secure, governments at all levels along with the community need to recognise that Queensland is competing with other states for private sector investment and development, " she added.

"Large national developers are critically evaluating where they will invest and state and local government legislation, regulation, plans and policies play a major role in determining the viability of projects."

Queensland is losing its edge as an investment destination of choice to other areas in the country like Victoria which are perceived to be better and easier investment options.

"There is a lot that can be done by state and local governments in consultation with industry to reverse this growing perception and get Queensland building again," Mac Dermott said.

"The State Government has taken the lead on the key issue of infrastructure charges with the release of a draft report last week providing a roadmap to move forward."