Queensland Government Takes Back Decision to Ban Plastic Bags
The Newman Government in Queensland has changed its mind on a proposed plastic ban due to fear of voters' retaliation.
One day after announcing the plastic ban was being considered as part of the state's waste minimisation strategy, Environment Minister Andrew Powell has apparently had a change of mind.
Powell's spokesman said the Newman Government was no longer thinking about implementing the ban on plastic bags. According to Powell's statement, the plastic ban is no longer under consideration due to cost of living issues.
Today, Minister Powell said the Newman Government will not introduce new recycling regulations or measures that will increase the people's cost of living. Powell said the state government is currently consulting with industry groups and waste generators about other ways to reduce waste in Queensland.
Queenslanders are still encouraged by government to do what they can in recycling their waste. However, the government assures the public that waste reduction strategies would not involve additional charges to Queensland taxpayers.
After Western Australia and New South Wales, Queensland has the highest consumption of plastic bags. Western Australia and New South Wales also don't have a ban on plastics according to the National Litter Index.
Toby Hutcheon, a spokesman for Queensland Conservation says Queenslanders consume about 3 billion plastic bags per year. Many of those bags just end up in the waterways thereby causing clogs which can contribute to flooding.
Hutcheon said if the plastic ban was implemented, Queensland would have joined Northern Territory, South Australia and ACT with Tasmania which on the banning of plastic use.
He also said the ban on plastic bags does not mean an increase to community costs. Taking a recyclable bag when shopping means people would no longer pay for more than their groceries. The operating expenses of retailers will also be reduced since they won't need to supply shoppers with plastic bags.
Environment Minister Powell adds the government will consult with the community on other measures of waste reduction once they have finalised strategy for this year.
The government is cautious in approaching this matter since voters may lash out at the Newman Government.