People living in Queensland’s coastal low-lying areas have been asked to evacuate to higher ground as soon as possible before Cyclone Yasi hits.

The cyclone is one of the largest to pass the state. Authorities have advised residents to be prepared to endure strong rain and loss of power and telephone access. Residents have been told to stay at the strongest part of their house, usually the bathroom and toilet and be prepared with food and water supplies. Schools are also being shut down in anticipation of the cyclone.

"There is still an opportunity for you to move to a place of safety," Premier Anna Bligh said. "I cannot say in the strongest possible terms, you have to take this opportunity now. It will close in the next three hours."

The cyclone is expected to hit Queensland's northern capital of Townsville harder with a higher storm surge caused by the cyclone.

“You should also stock up on water by filling water-holding containers, in case the water supply stops or becomes contaminated,” said Queensland Chief Health Officer Dr. Jeannette Young. “Freeze extra water, or buy bags of ice, for your fridge, freezer or esky to keep food cool and safe in case your power is cut.

“It’s a good idea to have on hand insect repellent and your cyclone kit should have a first-aid kit, including waterproof band aids,” she added.