Bollywood actress Katrina Kaif is miffed with the Indian media. In a strongly-worded, open letter, she has deplored them for publishing her private pictures with Ranbir Kapoor, snapped at a public beach in Ibiza, Spain. In what could be called an extreme reaction, she has also reportedly resolved to never wear a bikini, neither on the beach and nor on-screen.

She was caught on camera frolicking on the beach in a bikini while Ranbir could be seen flaunting his bare-torso. The pictures were first published by an Indian film magazine and soon were splashed across the media. The top Bollywood actress is upset that the media chose to make her private moments public and calls it is an 'invasion of privacy'.

It looks like the published pictures have scarred her for life as "shorts and a top" will be her "mandatory beachwear from now on," according to a source quoted in DNA.

"This experience has taught Katrina never to let her guard down."

DNA reports that the "no bikini clause" will now be a compulsory part of her Bollywood movies' agreement, too. She is not wearing a bikini in Dhoom 3 despite producer Aditya Chopra's insistence that she wears one in a scene.

"But Katrina persuaded Adi to drop the idea. They worked out a compromise that suited both of them. Post the leaked pictures of hers in Ibiza, she is unlikely to get into a bikini no matter what the prompting," the source told DNA.

The letter as published in The Times of India:

"I am writing this to say that I feel most upset, distressed and invaded at my pictures published in a film magazine (and which were carried by other media). The pictures were taken while I was on holiday by someone who, in an act of cowardice, has shot without permission and then used the pictures for commercial gain.

There is a breed of journalism that preys on celebrities in the worst possible manner crossing all lines of privacy and decency. Running these pictures shows support for this school of journalism.

I request that all media running these pictures please refrain from doing so. I have a wonderful relationship with the media and have been accessible to the media at all times. There is no reason for this furtive and invasive behaviour."

By Katrina Kaif

As reported earlier, Ranbir Kapoor's parents, Neetu Kapoor and Rishi Kapoor, were also upset that the love birds' photographs were leaked to the media. His mother called it 'invasion of privacy', as well; and feared that the photographs had the potential to harm Ranbir's Bollywood career.