U.S. rapper Danny Brown received an impromptu sex gift from a fan while he's onstage. The rapper sparked controversy when he allowed an unnamed girl to pull his pants down and give him an oral sex while he was in the middle of a song in Minnesota on Friday.

The unnamed fan allegedly pulled the 32-year-old rapper's pants down while he was performing on stage at the Triple Rock Social Club. She then gave him an oral sex in the full view of the crowd.

Brown apparently "had been going up to the crowd and having random girls touch his d--- through his pants. Then this girl in front of me starts flashing him and he goes up to her and grabs her t---. Then all of a sudden she gets up close pulls his shirt up a little and she start blowing him," a concert-goer had been quoted by kingpintv.net as saying.

The concert-goer added that Brown "rapped the entire time during too."

The rapper even joked about the incident on Twitter, replying to fellow emcee Kendrick Lamar's question if the reports were true, "and didn't miss one bar bruh bruh."

But his bandmate Kitty Pryde was livid. The female rapper, who is with Brown's Old and Reckless tour, thought the fan was sexually abusive.

"It was an actual sexual assault... Is it because a girl did it to a guy?" she wrote on her blog post. "What was Danny supposed to do? The girl was at mouth-to-d*** level already and to push her away, he would have to either pushed her face or kicked her, and even the most gentle of either motion would immediately be labelled 'abuse' by anyone watching. Guys pushing girls is not a good look when people are taking photos," she came to Brown's defence.

"Everyone wants the option of blaming it on Danny because people can't accept the fact that a white girl raped a black dude in front of a bunch of people."

Pryde also refuted reports that Brown facilitated the whole thing when he got girls to grab him through his pants, claiming it's "100% false."