Illy has rescheduled the show he abruptly left on Saturday after he was hit with a flying cup on his face. The Australian rapper was performing on stage at the Kay Street Entertainment Complex in Traralgon when a projectile thrown by an audience member hit him.

He was five songs into his performance when he was hit on the face by something an audience thrown at him. The object just narrowly missed his eye.

“Then someone threw a glass that hit me about an inch under my eye. At that point, I ended the show,” he wrote on his Facebook.

“There has to be a zero tolerance for that sh--. If me or my crew get hurt and have to cancel shows, there’s a group of people I’m responsible for who are directly effected [sic]. It’s bigger than just me. We’re on stage to smash, but not at the expense of personal safety. If that hit me square in the eye and broke, who knows? It wasn’t far off.”

He continued, “Anyway, Traralgon I’ve got bulk love for you. This doesn’t reflect badly on the rest of you. So, we are already trying to reschedule a Traralgon show with the venue, that your tickets from last night will be valid for at no extra cost. From my side of it, I’m pushing for that. I know if it happens it’s a bit of a mission for some, but it’s the best I can do. Will keep you posted.”

The venue cleared that it was a plastic cup that was thrown from a distance.

“We’re sure you can imagine the impact that would have to somebody’s face. You probably wouldn’t appreciate it either,” post on Kay Street’s Facebook page reads.

The statement added that the person who threw the cup has been identified and has now been barred. Further action against the perpetrator will be taken as well.

Illy will be back on November 8 to continue his show. The rescheduled performance will be free to the September 13 ticketholders, but they need to send a message to the venue’s Facebook page so they will be added to the guest list.

“All names will be checked against the venue’s ID scanner records as actual ticket holders, and if not, you will not be added to the guest list. If you purchased original tickets through Oztix, you will be contacted directly regarding you re-entry.”