(NaturalNews) From the SWAT-style armed raid on the raw milk buying club known as Rawesome Foods, clandestine video footage is starting to emerge. Although the footage is shaky and low quality (from a cell phone), it shows law enforcement thugs stealing raw milk, cheese, vegetables and even mangos from the Rawesome Foods store and loading them up into a large truck.

NaturalNews was sent these videos by people on the scene. Watch them at: http://www.naturalnews.tv/v.asp?v=A...

The same people from the raid also told us that they witnessed law enforcement pouring all their raw milk down the drain. Essentially, the cops, FDA and CDC were engaged in VANDALISM against a health food business.

Make no mistake: This is law enforcement engaged in acts of terrorism against small farmers and honest raw foods retailers. These are mob-style tactics of intimidation, business disruption, cash confiscation and inventory destruction. Chicago gangster mobs couldn't have done a better job!

Watch these videos yourself and you'll see some of what happened on the scene. More videos and photos are being sent to NaturalNews, and we will keep you posted on this story.

Again, the short video of raw footage is available at:

Keep following NaturalNews for more breaking news on this story. We will also announce an upcoming protest planned in L.A.

Donations to the Rawesome Foods legal defense fund are currently being accepted at the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center: www.ConsumerWellness.org
Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/033221_Rawesome_Foods_raw_milk.html#ixzz1U55rZo45