"Real Housewives of Atlanta" newest addition Phaedra Parks thinks that black women who dismiss black men with legal problems for mates are helping the genocide of their own community. Parks made the remark in defense of her husband's involvement in what Parks called "white-collar crime."

In an interview with Vibe, Parks said her husband was convicted rackeeteering, a "white-collar crime." Phaedra told the website that her husband is coming up with an appeal and they are hoping that the appeal will work in their favor.

"He wasn't guilty of harming any person or anybody and unfortunately that's what happened," said Parks.

In light of the her husband's situation, Parks stood by her husband and expressed her affection to her troubled husband, saying that she married him because she respected him.

"I married my husband because I loved him and he loved me and I think that's the foundation of any good relationship. I didn't marry him because of his past or because of his future. "

"I married him because I respected him and I realized everyone should realize that people make mistakes."

Phaeda Parks' husband Apollo Nida was convicted for racketeering and began serving his sentence in July 28, 2004. After serving nearly 5 years of his 18-year sentence, he was paroled on May 27, 2009. Parks and Nida were married November 1, 2009.

Parks, a noted Entertainment attorney, said that there is redemption for someone who has committed a crime, saying that the US is founded on the people like her husband Apollo having a second chance.

Phaedra Parks also castigated black women who thinks that black men who have legal problems, like her husband Apollo, are unsuitable for a mate, saying that women with this notion facilitate the genocide of their own community since "a lot of times" black men have had legal problems.

"Every Black woman who says that Black men with legal problems cannot be considered as a mate, then we help with the genocide of our own community."

Visit their website, for more of Phaedra Park's interview with Vibe.