"The Real Housewives of Melbourne" aired in the U.S. on Sunday, Aug. 3, 2014 on Bravo. Unfortunately, the viewers of the show focused more on the stars' bad makeup and fashion choices than what was actually happening onscreen or what the housewives were talking about. Check out some of the viewers' comments below and some background about the show.

"The Real Housewives of Melbourne" is an Australian reality show starring Melbourne socialites Gina Liano, Chyka Keebaugh, Andrea Moss, Janet Roach, Jackie Gilles and Lydia Schiavello. Like other "The Real Housewives" shows, it chronicles the lives of these women, including their day to day dramas, backstabbing and catfights.

According to TV Tonight, Bravo will air two back-to-back episodes of "The Real Housewives of Melbourne" in the U.S. from midday Sunday. The series has a total of 12 episodes. Below are some of the U.S. audience's reactions after watching the first episode of "The Real Housewives of Melbourne."

"real housewives of melbourne is brought to you by MAC makeup and Sherwin Williams paint rollers," tweeted Chrissy Teigen.

"p.s. Why do all ladies on the Real Housewives of Melbourne sound like drag queens? #RHOM Sidenote: I love my drag queens #NOSHADE," tweeted Twitter user Intellisexual Alpha/@GODHerself.

Check out other reactions of U.S. viewers about of "The Real Housewives of Melbourne" by searching the hashtag #RHOMelbourne on Twitter.

"The Real Housewives of Melbourne" Season 2 is underway and is expected to air in 2015. Will it still feature Chyka Keebaugh, Gina Liano, Janet Roach, Jackie Gilles, Lydia Schiavello and Andrea Moss? We'll have to wait and see if they will all be there or if some changes to the cast will be made.

"The Real Housewives of Melbourne" is the fourth international installment of the popular franchise featuring real housewives in different parts of the world including Athens, France and Vancouver. It originated from 2006's "The Real Housewives of Orange County." In the U.S., cities including Atlanta and New York City have been bitten by "The Real Housewives" bug.

For more updates about "The Real Housewives of Melbourne," as well as other news about entertainment, technology, business, finance, science, health, technology, sports and politics, keep reading International Business Times, or IBTimes.

Watch the video below featuring "The Real Housewives of Melbourne":

CREDIT: YouTube/SunriseOn7