The legislation of reforms to regulate the telecommunications sector should come first before the complete implementation of the National Broadband Network.

The regulatory reforms will empower the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to better handle disputes and to ensure competition among telecommunication companies.

Optus director of government and corporate affairs Maha Krishnapillai said,”We want these reforms done as soon as possible. It wouldn't take long for another (former chief) Sol Trujillo-style character within Telstra to revert back to the old days of monopoly abuse, which is why we need to lock in the telco reform legislation before we move to the NBN.”

Macquarie telecom head of regulatory and government affairs Matt Healy supports the move. He said, “The NBN can only work when you get the regulatory reform along with it; they work hand in glove... Telstra is now prepared to accept regulatory reform; we have a re-elected Labor government to revive the legislation and so now there should be no reason why the senate would go against its passage.”

Senator Steve Fielding disclosed earlier about a reassessment of the proposed legislation in light of new promises made to the key independents.

He said, “We'll have to take a look at it again, given there has been some deals done with the lower house independents... For example, from our understanding there will be some sort of subsidy for regional communities under the NBN. But there is no details on where the money for that subsidy will come from or who will pay for it.”