Period drama series, "Reign," is among the hit shows that premiered this fall season. It premiered on October 17, 2013 in the U.S. and Canada. It is scheduled to air in Australia sometime in 2014 on ELEVEN, while in New Zealand, "Reign" premiered on November 21, 2013. The upcoming episodes promise to keep the audience curious and excited, with its twists and interesting story-lines.

In episode 6 of "Reign," "Chosen," Francis sleeps with Olivia. She expects to become pregnant and become the future King's wife. Prior to sleeping with Olivia, Francis tells Mary that their engagement is off and she is free to choose someone else for her country, Scotland's sake. However, that someone does not include Bash. Francis directly warns Bash that he needs to keep his feelings for Mary in check.

The episode 7 of "Reign" is called "Left Behind." The separated Mary and Francis are likely to reunite in the episode. Catherine will be one of the biggest supporters of the reunion. The castle will be under siege and Mary and Francis will be taken as hostages, which is likely to provide them the opportunity to iron out all the differences. The love triangle is all set to become more complicated.

Bash has long lived under the stigma of being the bastard child of the King. Diana is expected to tell Bash about her plans to make him the legitimate son. In "Chosen," King Henry had slept with Diane after assuring Kenna that things are over between him and Diana.

Official Synopsis of Episode 7 "Reign": "Left Behind: MARY AND FRANCIS UNITE TO SAVE A CASTLE UNDER SIEGE -Mary (Adelaide Kane) and Francis (Toby Regbo) are forced to rely on one another when the castle is taken hostage, and Catherine (Megan Follows) shocks everyone when she makes a surprising proposal to try to save their lives. Meanwhile, Bash's mother Diane (Anna Walton) tells Bash (Torrance Coombs) of her plan to have him legitimized."

Jeremiah Chechik has directed the episode and it is written by Drew Lindo.