The recent announcement of R.E.M. putting an end to their career run has brought a lot of fans to tears especially with the unforgettable impact that this unique band has contributed to the music industry for the past three decades.

Apart from their amazing hits that changed the lives of many like 'Losing My Religion' and 'Everybody Hurts,' they were also very instrumental in putting their work into the best movies of the last two decades.

R.E.M. As Great Movie Fans

It can be traced in many of their songs their passion about movies. One of their albums in the 80s called 'Life's Rich Pageant' is actually a line from Peter Sellers from the movie 'A Shot in the Dark.' Their 'Departure' song was an elegy meant for the late River Phoenix and they even had a song 'Me, Marlon Brando, Marlon Brando and I."

Amazing Movie Scores and Participation

Their most popular contribution in the field of music and soundtracks is the 'Man on the Moon' way back in 1992. It helped a lot in the making of the Kaufman biopic entitled the same name and it was Peter Buck and Mike Millis who composed the entire score. Their other songs included in the soundtrack were 'This Friendly World' and 'The Great Beyond.'

Michael Stipe also became an actor for minor roles in various movie and television projects. Some of these was for an indie drama entitled 'Color of a Brisk and Leaping Day' where he acted as a railroad worker. From there, he also pursued producing films and even becoming the founder of C-Hundred, a company meant to help short films to get a boost.

It cannot be denied that through the history of their career, their songs have been favourite inclusions in various soundtracks.

Why R.E.M.'s Music Match Well With Movies

Lyrics that are cryptic is one of the primary reasons why their songs can be mixed well with any movie genre. The music itself, the melody and all its elements, can jive well with the emotions that can only be portrayed through the big screen. And of course, their classic songs will always be the personal soundtrack of anyone who grew up during the hit period of the 80s and up to the early 90s.

To listen to R.E.M. can trigger anyone's nostalgia of their teenage years and help ease the swelling in unfulfilled desires and dreams, whether in aspects of love or life. This goes the same for 'Never Been Kissed' with Drew Barrymore's misfit character gets to dance in a prom night with a heartthrob of her life - and this time with 'At My Most Beautiful' by R.E.M. playing behind.


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