A group of "Renegades" is attempting to go where no "trekkie" has gone before. The group is producing one full episode of the popular TV/movie franchise. The group has already got the necessary funding through crowd funding and aim to pitch for the series to CBS network as a cable series or online series.

The group has readied the script and finalised the visual effects. The story revolves around a clandestine group consisting of Star fleet officers, outcasts and criminals. This team of renegades will have to investigate a strange and threatening phenomenon. There is a fold in space and time around a few planets. These planets supply "dilithium" to the federation. But this phenomenon has cut off the supply to the material. It falls on Admiral Pavel Chekov and commander Tuvok to assemble a team to find out who is responsible and find a solution.

The pilot episode has an impressive cast and is directed by Tim Russ; the actor has been a part of the Star Trek franchise before and has also acted in numerous other TV shows and Movies.

The group seems to be burning cash quickly and are in need of about $20000 more. Apart from crowd sourcing they have found innovative ways to get the money. People can contribute $10 to $ 10000 for exclusive content et al, from the show. Those who choose to contribute $10000 will get their name listed as associate producer in the credits and IMDB Web site.

The budget constraint has made the shooting to be done mostly in front of the "green screen" but the team would like to have a physical set to be built. This they say will be better for both the actors as well as the audience.

The design sketches, props and the sets for the TV show do show promise. However all TV shows in the Star Trek Franchise have not been successful. CBS will have the final say whether the show will be accepted. But the Renegades with their budget close to $250000 and experienced crew may find themselves in a good position to pitch for the TV series.