Anne Lu

901-930 (out of 3173)

Anne Lu finished a degree in Legal Management, but as a kid, she wanted to be a nurse so she could wear a nursing cap. She admits to being obsessed with "SuperWhoLock" and her pets. She joined IBTimes Australia in April 2013. She may be reached at


London tech startup aims to disrupt the digital rewards and loyalty landscape

In 2014, a group of Australian, American and French entrepreneurs came together with the aim to build a platform that would disrupt the way digital offers are being consumed by smartphone users from around the world, as well as build an ecosystem that would reward those same users for their loyalty. This idea gave birth to Sh8pe Ltd, a London-based technology startup.

‘Supernatural’ season 12 episode 10 recap/spoilers: Castiel’s weakness is ‘humanity’ in ‘Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets’

“Supernatural” season 12 episode 10 was so tension-heavy between Castiel (Misha Collins) and Dean Winchester (Jensen Ackles) that Sam (Jared Padalecki) started to lose patience with both of them. “Lily Sunder Has Some Regrets” is the first of the expected three Castiel-centric episodes in season 12 and is arguably the second best episode of the season so far.

Same-sex marriage in Australia plebiscite blocked by Senate

The Senate has killed Australia’s planned same-sex plebiscite, which would have been held in February. On Monday, the proposal was voted down in the Upper House 33 to 29, effectively ending more than a year of debate about the plebiscite.
