Leo Oliver

121-150 (out of 325)

Shaurya has a flair for writing articles in the fields of arts, travel, sports and politics. He is in the know about the day-to-day happenings in Australia. With a postgraduate degree in journalism, he constantly endeavours to expand his reach in the field of writing and reporting.

Other than his journalistic adeptness, he also likes to write stories. He is an avid fan of Stephen King, the Harry Potter universe, and other marvels of the world of literature.


Aussie Luke Thorburn, inspired by US Prez Donald Trump, wants to 'Make Australia Great Again'

A former Goldman Sachs employee has attracted worldwide attention following his “Make Australia Great Again” campaign. Luke Thorburn, who hails from Brisbane, was ousted from his job at the investment bank in New York a year ago for selling caps revolving around Donald Trump’s theme and donating more than $700 to the billionaire mogul’s presidential campaign outside of his bosses’ knowledge.
