Resistant rubber bands, 20-minute cardio a day are secrets why David Hasselhoff looks like 36 at 63
78-year-old Illinois granny lifts 225 pounds weight in viral video

Many Hollywood stars attribute their youthful look to cosmetic surgery. Former “Baywatch” actor David Hasselhoff is not one of them.
The 63-year-old actor, who shot to shame by showing his tanned body in the 1989 TV series “Baywatch” and later the driver of a futuristic car in “Knight 2000,” still has the same muscled and trim body which he showed 27 years ago at age 36 as California lifeguard Mitch Buchannon. He attributes his enviable physique to resistant rubber bands and 20 minutes cardio exercises daily.
The 20-minute cardio exercises are on top of thrice or quadruple times a week of workouts. If there is no gym around, the actor finds a way to exercise with pushups, situps and working his triceps using a couch and doing dips.
As an actor, travel is part of Hasselhoff’s life which is why he always carries his resistant rubber bands when on the road. “You put the rubber band inside the door [on the handle] and you can do anything – lifts and chest presses,” he explains.

Hasselhoff is appearing in the 2017 movie reboot of “Baywatch,” but the role of Buchannon would be played by Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. In a photo together, the first and current Buchannons do not show 20-year-gap between the two musclemen.
The “Baywatch” reboot scenes were shot in Savannah, Georgia. Prior to their take, Hasselhoff went to a gym and lifted some weights. His daughter credits Hasselhoff with looking great after the shoot. “I trained for that. I knew that for three days I was going to be working next to the Rock and Zac [Efron], and they’re both in ridiculous shape,” quotes The New York Post.
Besides exercising regularly, the actor shares that he stays away from junk food, eschews alcohol and hardly eat sweets.
One does not have to be an actor to be in great shape. Even white-haired grannies could also be fit by lifting weights, as what 78-year-old Shirley Webb does. Waffles at Noon reports that Webb joined Club Fitness in Illinois in 2014 to get into better shape.

During her first few days, she even needed help for simple tasks such as standing up. After two years of twice-a-week sessions and guidance from trainer John Wright, Webb could now deadlift over 200 pounds. She showed that in a viral YouTube video where she lifted 225 pounds thrice.
Webb, who has two sons and two granddaughters, and married to Dick Webb since 1957, set deadlift records in her age group in two states. When she competes in June, she is aiming for a personal best of 260 pounds, says Webb who shares, “My trainer realized that I was kind of strong, so he kept adding weights.”