The former heavy weight champ of WBO and 'Rocky V' star, Tommy Morrison passed away at 44. Tony Holden, his promoter, did not want to say any comments on the reason behind the boxer's death so as to not trigger the long time rumours that Morrison had HIV since 1996.

Morrison's wife emphasised that her hubby suffered from long time disease called Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

A Career To Be Remembered

Mr Morrison first became a world champ when he beat the great George Foreman in 1993 for the empty WBO title. However, he was only able to defend his title for one time right against Tim Tomashek and then lost it against Michael Bentt.

He also played the role of Tommy Gunn in the movie 'Rocky V'. But since last year, he had remained bedridden and his life sustained only with the help of a ventilator.

The Controversial HIV Rumour

It was in 1996 when Mr Morrison was rumoured to have been tested positive with HIV when a pre-match routine blood check was conducted. This led to the suspension of his boxing license and during a press con, the boxer put all the blame to a "reckless lifestyle" lived.

After the HIV-related suspension, his life went down as he even ended up in prison in 2000 for cases of drunk driving and assault. When he was released, he tried starting over with his boxing run only to find not so much of a success with it. But the Nevada Boxing Commission remained firm with their banning of the boxer.

In a documentary made in 2010, Morrison was consistent in denying his HIV status.

Known As "The Duke"

Just like other boxers, Mr Morrison also had his own nickname each time he steps on the ring. He got the title "The Duke" since he is related to the legendary film icon John Wayne whose own aka is Duke too. Not many knew that he was Mr Wayne's grandnephew.

Rest in Peace Tommy Morrison.