Four months ahead of Revenge's third season, ABC announced the entry of new faces to sit in the show's management posts. After the exit of show runner Mike Kelly, who will be replaced by former executive producer Sunil Nayar, comes the announcement of Gretchen Berg and Aaron Harberts as the drama series' new executive producers.

Neither Gretchen nor Aaron has apparently pulled off a show for more than one season. Fans are wary that their track record won't help propel Revenge which at some point also struggled to keep viewers' interest last season. Is there a real cause for worry?

Whatever, four months is a long time to wait. So while counting the days, let's see what other developments have cropped up so far.

Jack and Emily

The biggest cliffhanger of Revenge Season 2 was Emily Thorne's admission to Jack Porter that she's the real Amanda Clarke. The obvious questions came up: "How is Jack going to take it?" "Will he forgive Emily?"

Nick Wechsler, who is said to be friends with one of the show's writers, was recently interviewed by TV Guide. He gave viewers a glimpse of what viewers can expect with his character next season:

"I think he's going to be hurt and not trust her. She's got to earn his trust back. If he does team up with her, it's only because they have a common enemy, not because she's out of the doghouse."

Fair enough? Emily's manipulation and lies have cost Jack practically his life and future. Her maneuvering brought him a deceitful marriage, a baby, and eventually the loss of his loved ones. Her only way way to redemption it seems is the childhood memories she once shared with him. If Jack ever softens up, it must only be out of loyalty to the persons they once were. Now, how determined will Emily be in earning his trust again? If they do team up together, could it also be possible that something gets rekindled between them? After all, Amanda (real Emily) is out of the picture now. And supposing Aiden's still alive, where does that leave him?

Charlotte's Baby

Charlotte's losses in season 2 should open her up to a world of hurt in season 3. The death of Declan alone is a major blow for her, then the death of her imposter sister. She's also carrying a fatherless unborn baby. How are things going to play out for Charlotte next season?

Christa Allen was recently interviewed by E! News and she said: "I think the biggest point with her pregnancy is going to be how other characters take it; how Victoria deals with it and I hope in a positive way because Victoria doesn't have a good track record of dealing with children, and then I don't know how it's going to affect Charlotte and Emily's relationship. It's going to be a weird dynamic," she said.

Incidentally, there are reports that season 3 will possibly have a time jump when it opens in September. Season 2 started eight weeks after Victoria's plane crash, and for season 3 Nick Wechsler hinted at picking up later.

"If it happens - and that's a big "if" because it hasn't been run by anyone else - we would pick up later," he told TVLine. "If it's months later or a year more, I don't know. But it would pick up later."

Will the time jump be a good idea? Would it set the momentum or pull down the tension left by the events of season 2 finale? With new think tanks running the show now, hopefully everything is played out well and reverts back to the core of the plot line.