Emily Van Camp
IN PHOTO: Actress Emily VanCamp, of the drama series "Revenge," arrives at the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards in Los Angeles September 23, 2012. REUTERS/Mario Anzuoni

After four seasons, the ABC drama series “Revenge” will be airing its final episode this coming Sunday. With the series finale titled “Two Graves,” the question is, who will be occupying those two holes in the ground? [Spoiler Alert!]

At the end of episode 22, officer Ben Hunter met his untimely demise. He had been investigating Amanda Clarke a.k.a. Emily Thorne’s story about how Victoria Grayson faked her own death. With a little help from Louise Ellis, Ben managed to unearth the truth. He even saw Victoria face-to-face for a moment before he was unceremoniously stabbed from behind.

The series finale opens with Emily learning about Ben’s death. She is back to square one now that the only officer that had any chance of believing her is no longer going to be able to help. Despite the setback, she is convinced more than ever that Victoria is alive. In fact, she will be able to see Victoria for herself.

The two women will finally get a chance to slug it out in person as seen in the episode trailer. Emily and Victoria stand face-to-face with Emily holding a gun straight at Victoria. She looks completely overwhelmed with emotions and Victoria asks her: “Are you ready now?” [video below]

Emily holds up the gun and responds, “More than you know.” She then shoots and the video cuts away. The promo also states that four years of revenge will finally come to an end. However, the question still remains about who will occupy the two graves. Presuming Ben Hunter isn’t included since he died in the previous episode, Victoria Grayson appears to be in grave danger with Emily holding the gun straight at her.

However, things don’t look good for Emily either as she is seen in the video lying n a pool of blood. The show’s executive producer Sunil Nayar confirmed to Variety that there will be two graves at the end of the show and said that the clues as to who the graves belong to are in the promo video. So far, there’s Victoria and Emily that appear to have the odds stacked against them.

Also in the video is Jack Porter. He is shown in a hospital bed with Nolan and Emily watching over him. Then comes Emily’s disembodied voice stating that when everything one loves has been stolen from him or her, someone has to pay. With Emily’s other love, Aiden, having been killed by Victoria earlier in the series, Jack’s possible death could be the final blow that she is able to deliver against Emily.

Nayar concludes that the ending will be epic. He says that it will be the culmination of what fans have been expecting to happen from the beginning especially with Victoria and Emily’s confrontation. On the other hand, the ending will also be unexpected. The final episode of “Revenge” airs on Sunday, May 10 on ABC.

Source: YouTube/Television Promos

For questions/comments regarding the article, please contact the writer at: c.caparras@ibtimes.com.au.