Will the real "Rap Tycoon," please stand up?

Hey, yo. The man with a spicy tongue, Eminem, is back with a new album - "Marshall Mathers LP 2." This new record is a sequel of the hit "Marshall Mathers LP" and Eminem revisits the places and memories.

His latest, which leaked on Wednesday, six days before the release date, is a treat for fans who admire his classic stuff as he rediscovers the past with these new songs.

"Rap God," one of the songs he released as a single, must be featured in the rap and hip-hop curriculum for students to study because a song like this will make you go nuts. It is fast and Eminem churns out the vocal like he is taking an evening walk in Central Park.

In Eminem's last album, "Recovery," his alter ego Slim Shady was inside the closet. But this time, he cleaned his closet and brought Slim Shady out and we know how gory and scary he can be with his words. Well, if you don't believe this, go listen to "The Monster." Eminem roped in Rihanna and together they shared the vocal duties in this upbeat number which rhymes about OCD, Eminem's love-hate relationship with fame, and embracing the monster. This killer song has some great beats with Rihanna's powerful vocals.

"With great power, comes absolutely no responsibility," The anti-hero raps giving an all together new definition to the mantra our superheroes rant about.

"Marshall Mathers LP 2" is a regressive record with Eminem going back from time to time, whining rhymes about his father leaving the family and issues with his mother.

"Love Game" features Kendrick Lamar and Eminem's interplay and, boy, they jam the hell out of this song. The wordplay by the duo is intense and you will be left hooked to "Love Game."

In "A**hole," Eminem raps with a cool drum line and Skyler Grey comes and sings the chorus.

In "Marshall Mathers LP 2," Eminem raps like an athlete. His chops are fluid, and rhymes - heavy. It seems like the 41-year-old has explored and unearthed a new "Slim Shady" in "Marshall Mathers LP 2."

Rating: 4.5/5