News reports of Drake and Rihanna splitting up shocked the entertainment world after the two just announced that they are exclusively dating. Rihanna was not going to take these rumors sitting down and doing nothing. She immediately came out to denounce all the rumors. For her, Drake is just too nice to do what the reports are saying: Drake kicking her off his European tour, Drake going back to his bootylicious side piece, Winta'nna and Drake splitting p with her barely a week of saying he loves her.

According to Rihanna, Drake did not dump her at all. Rihanna had to fly back to the US because she also has a busy schedule to keep up with. The girl cannot just follow Drake around his tour. While most new lovers cannot keep themselves apart from each other, Rihanna is saying a different thing. She just parted with Drake to do her own thing, but she and Drake are not parting ways.

They are not breaking up not only because there is no reason to, but also because Drake is just too nice to do something like that to her. Breaking up is one thing, breaking up just after days of announcing you are exclusively dating is a different thing altogether.

"Drake is one of the nicest, most respectful and gentle men she's ever met and no, hell to the naw, he didn't say or do anything like that to her," Hollywood Life exclusively reports. "She's got biz to attend to and will be with him when she's all done and that's the truth."

Rihanna got even all fired up upon hearing the nasty rumors. The rumors are hardly funny and even borders on disrespectful after all!

"Unlike most b**ches, Rihanna has a million things to do, a million things to see, and millions of dollars to make," Hollywood Life's source reports. "And she wishes the b**ch or b**ches who are saying Drake disrespected her would shut up."

The reasons cited by news reports of them breaking up also did not paint Rihanna in a good light. According to the reports, the singer is both bossy and condescending to Drake's crew, making the members of the crew so angry at the singer they have to request Drake to send off her back to the US. This sounds really uncharacteristic of Rihanna.

Whether Rihanna is just being defensive or telling the truth, fans of the two renowned singers can be relieved for now.