The world is used to seeing Rihanna's face all over the internet, but fans should beware of Facebook invitations to view the supposed sex tape of the tech-savvy diva. No video of the sort has been leaked to the public so links claiming to do so are likely to be scams.

Fans of the Stay singer should watch out for the page titled "[VIDEO] RIHANNA SEX TAPE". It will likely invite users to click on a link, which could be dangerous for the computer's hard drive or files. It could also be a link to websites that are simply trying to increase their site visitors.

Many viruses are disguised as Facebook links, taking advantage of the large user base. Links to sex tapes generate plenty of interest and hits, so these are often used to mask malicious activity and virus-ridden files. Celebrities such as Rihanna, the most visible and outspoken of the pack right now, are ideal to draw in clicks being the subject of countless intrigue and scandal.

This is not the first time a rumor of a sex tape has trailed the famous diva. In 2011, reports of a sex video were proven false and in 2012 there were similar claims that were also unable to gain any credibility. Most female celebrities have had to deal with these kinds of scandals, although most are eventually found to be untrue.

However, there have been instances when the sex tapes released are actually true. Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton are two socialites to be tangled in this unfortunate situation, although their respective scandals did result in immeasurable fame and fortune. Kanye West and Hulk Hogan are males who have filmed themselves with their partners in the bedroom.

It is well-known that Pamela Anderson was involved in a few tapes that have been released, while Hollywood bigwig Jennifer Lopez has taken action to ban her sex tape from being viewed now. Other big names include Colin Farrell, Rob Lowe, Fred Durst, Kid Rock and Tyson Beckford.