BlackBerry maker, Research in Motion (RIM), is frantic but confident in conquering the world consumer market as the struggling company readies its new handsets topbilled as the new Blackberry 10.

Three is the position that RIM aims to secure near-term in the fiercely competitive global smartphone war and company chief executive Thorsten Heins is very much upbeat on the prospects awaiting the Canadian firm.

Series of disappointments hobbled RIM since Apple and Android devices took away its market share, the once leading company was unable to counter the onslaught of touch devices that effectively marginalised not only the BlackBerry brand but also much of the competition.

The most humbling reminders for RIM that it is now way behind from the market leaders are the exodus of its consumers, both general and enterprise, in large numbers and the jittery support coming from its investors, analysts said.

The fiasco that attended the PlayBook release in 2011 set off the domino of misfortunes and challenges currently faced by RIM today, Reuters said.

Starting January 30 2012, RIM will redraw its fate, Mr Heins said, adding that what the world will see is far different from what were seen before. No more disappointments, he added. Or at least the chances of such emerging are minimal.

"I think it's all lining up. Sometimes you get the feeling that the universe is in disarray, and with BlackBerry 10 coming, I see the stars lining up," Mr Heins told Reuters.

RIM is set reinvigorate a fourth mobile ecosystem that its CEO said will offer some 100,000 apps come the BlackBerry 10 debut next year and the company is courting 50 top-notch enterprise customers to initially beef up BlackBerry's dwindling base.

The powerful capabilities offered by BES 10, RIM's in-house operating system, plus the vaunted security by its system, by far the strongest in the commercial mobile world according to experts, should be enough to reenergise the brand, Mr Heins said.

And to ensure that the new BlackBerry devices will reach global consumers without delays, RIM is partnering with as many telcos as possible, according to RIM COO Kristian Tear.

Talking to CNET, Mr. Tear described his talks with telcos that the company had identified to carry BlackBerry in international markets as "good start" for the firm.

"They welcome the platform ... I've been to a lot of product meetings over my career, this is without a doubt the most positive experience I've had showing BB10 to the carriers," he told CNET.

But the enthusiasm exuded by the two executives failed to dampen growing fears by some analysts that RIM is in for another monumental misstep with the BES 10 and its new batch of handsets.

"BlackBerry 10 is likely to be dead on arrival," Reuters quoted Pacific Crest analyst James Faucette, predicting that consumers would require hard-sell tactics to react positively on BES 10's unfamiliar territory, which would be hampered too by limited collection of apps.

Edward Spence, writing for Forbes, echoed the same sentiments. RIM needs to further ramp up its efforts to make its products more attractive, more compelling for users to adopt in droves and more engaging, which is possible only by offering a rich library of applications.

Sadly though, "there's nothing in the plans for BlackBerry 10 that matches the expectations of the high street consumer," he added.