At the end of the New South Wales Supreme Court's hearing of the Rinehart family feud on who should replace mining billionaire Gina Rinehart as the trustee of the $5-billion trust that controls about 25 per cent of Hancock Prospecting, youngest daughter Ginia admitted being hurt by brother John's remarks about her.

John had called his half-sister oxygen thief, moron and intellectually disabled.

Ginia said, "Nasty and mean comments shouldn't be made about anyone, let alone a family member, and certainly not to be then supported publicly by another family member," quoted by Daily Mail.

The mining mogul lashed out at eldest daughter Bianca, who sought to replace her mum as trustee , and John whom she labeled as selfish for the attempts to gain control over the trust.

Rinehart insisted she had always worked in the best interest of their family company, stressing, "My record shows I have turned Hancock Prospecting into one of the most successful private companies in the country, which is of benefit to all my children given their interest via the trust I requested be set up for them."

She emphasised that hard work, sacrifice and immense dedication and not short-term gambles in the hope of quick easy money was what got their family to their financial success, with the help of their dedicated but very small executive team. Rinehart kept her number 1 position on BRW Rich List 200 released last week, despite losing $2 billion the past 12 months due to the plummeting price of iron ore in the international market.

Read: Despite $2 Billion Loss Due to Plummeting Iron Ore Prices, Mining Magnate Gina Rinehart Is Still Number 1 in BRW Rich 200 List

Bianca said she disagreed with the language used by John, but defended him, insisting his remarks against Ginia wasn't a personal attack, but his way of ensuring the family business is not left in the hands of someone who he believes is not fit for the job.