Actor Robert Downey Jr now wants his 20-year-old son, Indio Falconer Downey, to get the treatment that he needs following the cocaine possession arrest in West Hollywood last Sunday, June 29. The "Iron Man" star entered Indio at a rehab facility in Malibu with the hopes that his son will recover from drug addiction.

Unnamed sources revealed in the exclusive Mail Online report that Indio Downey currently receives drug addiction treatment at Cliffside in Malibu. The sources claimed Cliffside might work for Indio because the facility has an approach that the young man will not resist.

The rehab facility is described as Malibu's exclusive alcohol and drug rehab center where they teach the patients to "Live the Life You Were Always Meant to Live." One celebrity that checked in the facility for her alcohol and drug issues is "Mean Girls" actress Lindsay Lohan.

However, a friend of the Hollywood actor claimed that Indio did not enter the rehab facility willingly. "Since Indio is not choosing to get clean on his own but is somewhat forced to, the sobriety may not stick," the insider stated.

Robert Downey Jr has issued a statement after his son's arrest where the 49-year-old actor expressed gratitude to the police for their intervention. The "Iron Man" star further added that he believes his son can have a recovery success story just like him instead of a cautionary tale.

The actor's friend revealed that Indio has been using drugs since he was 12 years old and Robert Downey Jr is aware of the issue. The family friend further added that the actor tried everything he could as a father to help his son like interventions, conversations, AA meetings and even kicking Indi out of the house with the tough love principle.

However, none of those methods worked. "I can promise you that Bob is blessing those arresting officers because he knew that the only way to help his son at this late stage is for law enforcement to intervene and for Indio to get into the legal system," the friend shared.

At the moment, Robert's friend believes that everything is up to Indio. "Bob also knows that if it takes jail time for Indio, so be it. Right now, Bob bailed him out, put him in a $45,000 a month rehab in the Malibu hills, and has given his son the leg up he needs to either make it or break it on his own. Now, it's up to Indio," the family friend declared.

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