Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West
IN PHOTO: TV personality Kim Kardashian and rapper Kanye West arrive at a fashion designer workshop in Paris May 21, 2014. U.S. television personality Kim will Kardashian and rapper Kanye West celebrate their wedding in Florence on May 24, an official from the mayor's office confirmed on Friday. REUTERS

Kim Kardashian West clears the air about her brother Robert Kardashian's absence from her wedding to Kanye West last May declaring that there was no fight. Kim says that she understands why Robert felt the need to leave and that he sent her an email explaining his decision.

Kim explained that on the day of her wedding, Rob sent her a long email explaining his decision to leave. Kim said that there was no fight and she understood why Rob would feel uncomfortable being surrounded by all those people and all the media. The reality TV star explained what really happened to Andy Cohen as she sat down for an interview in Bravo TV's "Watch What Happens Live."

Rob had been struggling with weight issues in the past year and his mother Kris Jenner revealed in a recent episode of "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" that he had gained over 70 lbs. in just a span of a year. Kim said that she is a tough love kind of person and she sometimes gets frustrated with her brother and her patience runs out. She explained that if there was something that she didn't like in her life, she changes it instead of complaining about it for a year. She goes on further to say that she and Rob have different personalities and that makes it frustrating but she still considers Rob to be one of her best friends. Kim and Khloe have been seen butting heads about Ron's situation in recent episodes of the reality series but have recently backed each other up in supporting Rob against his ex Adrienne Bailon who dissed him in a recent interview.

Photos of the Kardashian-Jenner clan were posted all over their own social media sites as well as on tabloids all over the world in the days leading up to Kim and Kanye's wedding on May 24 earlier this year. While photos of family members enjoying Paris and Florence were out on display, some snaps of Rob leaving LAX to head to Paris caused quite a buzz since he had not been seen out in public as much as the rest of the family in recent months. His appearances in the family's reality TV show "Keeping Up With the Kardashians" have been limited in the past season and the photos clearly showed that he appears to have gained a lot of weight.

A few days into the trip, Rob was again spotted in LAX but surprisingly, he had returned before Kim and Kanye's wedding had taken place. His sudden departure from Paris before the wedding party flew to Florence for the wedding ceremony sparked various speculations about a huge falling out between Rob and the bride as well as other family members.

Now that Kim has gotten the chance to speak up, she clarified that there was no massive fall out and that she and Rob never even needed to have a conversation about it. She just said that when she found out about Rob's decision, she decided not to worry about it and focus on her day while at the same time hoping that her brother will be ok.