As the first part of the final film of "Twilight Saga" looms, the new love song of the protagonists was released.

Written by Twilight's ultimate fan Chrisina Perri.The new love song of Bella and Edward is entitled "A Thousand Years".

The lyrics embodied the love story of the two. Summit will be releasing another version of the music video.

Christina Perri is a Twi-hard evident with her "bitten" tattoo on her wrist.

The lyrics, "All along I believed I would find you/ Time has brought your heart to me/ I have loved you for a thousand years/ I'll love you for a thousand more". Yes definitely, this is the lyrics that narrate the real Vampire love story.

The trailer of the first part of 'Twilight Saga's' movie finale was already out and spread like wildfire!

'Breaking Dawn' Part 1 two minutes and 27 seconds second official trailer was released last Sep. 15.

Twihards waited long enough for the glimpse of the new trailer and the highly-anticipated wedding of the year of Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) and Edward Cullen (Robert Pattinson).

As confirmed, 'The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1' will focus on Bella's marriage and pregnancy and will surely be one of the top-grossing films this fall.

For those who have not read Stephanie Meyer's bestselling adult romance novel, Bella and Edward finally get hitched and were on their steaming honeymoon in an island at Rio de Janeiro. Well, the two "you-know" and Bella got pregnant. The complication starts from there as Edward has to do actions to save his wife from the strong vampire-human hybrid inside her and the werewolves saw the child as a threat to the tribe.

Moreover, Jacob shows his undying love and loyalty to Bella by going against the pack. The trailer concluded with Bella's act of giving birth that was cut just on cue that will make you jump off your feet.

Check out the trailer below for juicy details.

Do not forget to catch the "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 1" coming in theaters in November 18.