To commemorate the fifth anniversary of Twilight Franchise movie release, Summit Entertainment has revealed a Twilight DVD called "Twilight Forever: The Complete Saga".The DVD has bonus scenes of Edward and Bella kissing and making out with each other and indeed Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart will relish watching their hot moments from the movie.

The sneak trailer of the movie shows Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart having good times together. The scenes have been taken from "Breaking Dawn Part 1", in which the couple gets married.

However, in real life the couple has split and Robert Pattinson has reportedly found his new Bella in Sean Penn's daughter Dylan Penn.

Robsten fans will definitely enjoy romantic scenes between R-Patz and K-Stew as there is a meek possibility of the two reuniting again for a film.

Director of Rob's Dior Homme advert, Romain Gavras told magazine Io Donna that Pattinson wants to break away from his Twilight image.

"Rob is extremely curious. He is leaving the phase of Twilight "poster boy" to play more mature roles. He's already making interesting choices." Gavras said.

Robert Pattinson was recently under consideration for the part of Christian Grey for the movie "The Fifty Shades of Grey". However, the actor denied the part for the fear of getting typecast. Apparently, he took Kristen Stewart's advice for the role.

According to "Kristen told him 50 Shades would be a disaster for him. He's haunted by Twilight and being too identified with that role, taking 50 Shades would mean a worse label for the rest of his career. "

Robert Pattinson will be scene next in the small budget independent films Mission: Blacklist and Map to the Stars.

In Mission: Blacklist he plays a military interrogator who is a part of the mission to capture Saddam Hussein.