British actor Robert Pattinson flew to Sydney, Australia to officially kicked off the promotional tour of "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2".

The actor who plays Edward Cullen in the popular vampire film attended a photo call session yesterday and discussed some of the details of the final installment of Twilight.

The British heartthrob shared about having an exhausting period when filming the action-packed battle scene between the Cullens and the Volturi.

"This one was hard. I mean, we were shooting this big action sequence for about two and a half months in a massive warehouse where they normally sell cows, with a bunch of fake paper snow and green walls, and you literally started to go insane after a while! Yeah, it gets tough doing stuff like that, it gets a bit repetitive." quipped Pattinson.

Rob also praised his girlfriend Kristen Stewart's performance and her new role as a vampire.

"Yeah, she was really excited about being a vampire. Everybody else who'd been pretty consistently in the movies, they'd obviously been playing a vampire like every day for ages. And so it's funny seeing someone suddenly come into it and try and figure out their own version of the physicality and the mentality of it."

"But her character has a different thing, because she's supposed to find it really easy," the 26-year-old actor went on explaining.

"It's supposed to be a natural progression for her to become a vampire, it's supposed to be simple. So I guess it was kind of different," he quickly added.

Robert Pattinson will reprise his role as Edward Cullen in the film, the husband of Isabella Swan and father of Reneesmee. The film will open Stateside on November 15, the same day when the "Twilight" movie marathon takes place in selected cinemas in the United States.